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3 Ways to Get Unstuck & Get Out of Your Creative Funk

In true Amerika B. fashion, I had to get my thoughts out and put them into words. Yes, I already went live on Instagram and shared this information but if you're anything like me, you prefer to read something for it to stick in your brain instead of listening to the message. We all learn differently so there's no judgement here.

I decided to end the month of March and Q1 by going live to discuss how to get unstuck or out of your creative funk. Just this week, I saw memes, captions, stories, etc. all relating to these two issues. I know that they are things I struggle with almost daily so I wanted to share some tips with my people in hopes that they help. After doing a bit of research pror to the live, I came across a few things I had already shared on the subject at hand. Oddly enough, I wrote a blog post, IG post, and I gave my two cents in an episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast by my girl Jessica. Would I call myself an expert on the matter? Nope, I'm just someone who has learned how to deal with and make the best of it. So let's dive in!

Getting stuck or in a funk is inevitable. It’s going to happen and continue happening because we are human. But it’s all in how you handle it and pull yourself out if it that makes the difference. Also remember everyone gets stuck. So you’re not alone in this. That's why it's such a relatable topic! Getting unstuck is how you get out of it.

So, you want to know how do you actually get unstuck? Let’s discuss.

Before you do any of these steps, give yourself a chance to get over it. Remember that you are human. Pray, cry, sulk, scream; do whatever it is that you need to do to release those emotions. Then take a moment to just breathe, get out of your own head, and clear your mind. It’s really mental and all in your head.

1. Focus on the process and keep the goal in mind.

The first step to getting unstuck and our of your rut is to focus on the process and keep the actual goal in mind. Why are you stuck? What is making you feel stuck? Do you feel lost? Defeated? Unsure? These are common “I’m stuck” symptoms. For example: You posted on Instagram and you don't know if your content did well or not. Then you start comparing youself and you question if it is as great as someone else’s. (Imposter syndrome alert.) Don’t fall for the what if? Don't focus on the likes, shares, and comments. That’s not something you can control. You can control the type of content you post. You can control how valuable it can be. You can control how often you post it. You can control the caption and the responses to the comments you may receive. Keep in mind that 1 like= at least 1 person you’ve reached. That’s one person that vibes with you. That’s a connection. Don’t count out them out. Even if it’s a friend or family member supporting you. Better to have 1 than none.

2. Are you in a space that inspires you to create?

The second step to getting unstuck and out of your rut is to create a space that inspires you to create. Where do you feel most creative? What brings you joy, peace, happiness? Where do you go to recharge? Sitting outside, creating a creative nook, working in a coffee shop, setting up a clutter free desk area prior to getting to work. These are the things to continue doing to be inspired. Get back to you. The "you" that was creative and inspiring before getting stuck. Dig deep to find that you. Sometimes, if that doesn't work, you just have to take a break from doing the work. Step away. Go to an art gallery, visit a museum, have a picnic in the park, sit in you favorite restaurant and have lunch or dinner. Maybe you need to dance to music, paint, do a floral arrangement, play a game. Remember the things that add to your happiness quotient and get your creative juices flowing.

3. Did you rest, regroup, or reevaluate before finding a solution to the problem?

Have you cared for yourself lately? Listened to your favorite music? Did you write in your journal? Read a book? Write out a brain dump? It's a must that you declutter your brain. These are all things that we tend to do routinely and forget that they make a huge difference in our day-to-day processes. Did you eat? Rest? Take a break? Don't forget that this all plays a part in how we continue our daily routines in order to be clear, conscious, and creative. For example: What if something you were working on just didn’t work out. Every time you tried to work on it you felt frustrated, stuck, and unsettled. Don’t just dump the idea all together. Take a break from it and revisit it with a fresh mind later on or the next day. Maybe even the next month. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves by thinking too much. We overthink the overthinking which takes us to the place of being stuck. And that is not where we want to be.

Please keep in mind, no one is going to force you to do it or hold your hand. Most times you have to make yourself do the thing you don’t want to do. You have to make it up in your mind that it needs to be done. Whether it relates to you posting on your feed (hello, we see you), making your page public (stop hiding), or sharing your business and how you can help someone (save a life).

Still wondering how to get unstuck? Prior to the live I felt stuck and I was getting a bit nervous about sharing my tips. I wanted to make sure that I was relaying valuable and impactful information to my audience. So I asked myself while I was in the shower (my favorite place to think and I promise I get the best ideas in there), if I had to give a one sentence answer on how to get unstuck what would it be?

Do the thing that you’ve avoided doing and affirm that it can be done.

That my friends, is how you get unstuck. Think about it. That blog you want to start, that t-shirt line you want to create, making your business page go from private to public, sharing your gifts with the world, creating a course, selling an ebook, showing up for yourself and your ideal client. That’s all a part of the art of getting unstuck. Don’t ignore that voice in your head telling you to go for it. Ignore the one that’s holding you back from everything you know you deserve to have. It’s a decision you have to make and a talk you have to have with self.

Say this with me:

I will breathe.

I will think of solutions.

I will not let my worry control me.

I will simply breathe.

And it will be ok.

Because I won’t quit.

It’s really that simple. Be thankful. You are blessed. You are worthy of everything your heart desires. You can make it through another day. You will be ok. You are already unstuck.


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